Sunday, August 26, 2007

For the first time since Eid we had dinner togather.

In the same dining room.
On the same table.
Facing each other.

We were nibbling whatever it was, and sipping who knows what in silence.
Dead cold silence.
I could hear him chewing whatever, and even hear his slavia mix with the food. He took a long sip of whatever it was we were drinking, let it savour in his mouth a little and then looked up at me and said:

"Janna, get me a glass of iced cold water,,, with ice".

We have'nt spoken since Eid. Actually haven't seen each other till Eid, and THAT is all he can up with? Quite the charmer he is. I leave the table, my dress rustles casually against the cold glare of his stare. He follows me with his eyes. I'm quite surprised that he felt something, if anything for me.


I return glass in hand, hand wet, fingers dripping water, and give him the glass.

He takes it from me. Looks at me and throws the glass right next to my feet. The water spills everywhere, ice hits the wall and pieces of the tiny glass puncture my toes.

He takes a match and lights a cigar. I stand still and look at my toes. blood drips down my sandals to the marble floor, my blood mingles with the water and broken glass. The maid hurries into the room gasps takes a look at him and runs out.

He takes a puff of the cigar and says:

Janna girls are like matches, they can only be used once.

He pushes his chair away looks at the blood on the floor, smiles and says: What pretty feet you have, just like your mother's. Just like your mother's. Exactly like your mother.
Quite the charmer my father is.